Stampin’ Up Convention 2014–Display Boards and Day 1 Activities
Well, once again here I sit after midnight working on my blog post. ha ha! There must be something in my DNA that says it is not possible for me to go to bed before 12am! But, I just had lots of photos and details to share with you from today’s Stampin’ Up Convention activities…
Stampin’ Up! Leadership–Day 2 Reveals!
Ok, so it is 2am Orlando time and I really should be sleeping because our wakeup call is only 5 hours away, but I had to stay up to share some of the awesome stuff I saw and heard at Leadership today (well, yesterday technically, but since I haven’t slept, I’ll call it today! You…
Convention 2012 Display Boards!
One of the big reasons to go to convention is to see all the tons of amazing samples and displays. They have huge boards that are organized by common colors (so you get a rainbow effect as you walk along the boards), by artisan award finalists, and boards full of samples using the stamp sets…
Convention 2012 Here I Come!
Alright, I’m going to warn you right now that today’s post is going to be a total photo bomb! Some folks have asked where I get my ideas or have said I am so excited about what I do – so I wanted to share with you where some of that comes from and…
SU Convention Day 2: Display Boards and More!
Sorry I got a little behind with my blogging but I was planning on posting last night but ended up spending a couple hours trying to figure out how I was going to stuff all my goodies in my bags! It was a full packed day and I loved every minute of it! We spent…
More Stampin’ Up! Portland Regionals Display Boards
I got some photos taken but then got so busy finishing prepping for my friend Jenny’s workshop tomorrow that I didn’t get them edited in time to post today. So, here are a couple more display boards to keep you inspired.
Stampin’ Up! Regionals Display Boards
Since I’m still working on getting photos of some of the fabulous swaps I received at the regional on Friday, I thought I would share with you a couple of the display boards that I was able to photograph. Hopefully these photos are clear enough that when you click on them to enlarge you can…
My new Facebook page – SU display boards and a Fan Special deal
While I work on writing up blog posts for some projects I’ve done recently, I wanted to share my recent labor of love – a new Facebook page. I’ve set up a page on facebook at a place to share pictures, promotions, and make it easy for others to share their projects as well. I’d…
Stampin’ Up Convention 2010 – Display boards and more
I just finished going through all my pictures from convention and was reminded of all the fun looking things to try and make over the next few months. There are always so many amazing ideas, business tips, and sneak peeks (you might even spot one or two in the photos below ;)) . I can’t…