Author: Jennifer

  • Just Buzzin’ By to show you a new sample!

    I have to admit, I never really thought much of bees as a stamping element or as particularly cute.  But when I started playing with this stamp set, I found they can be remarkably charming. 🙂 I started thinking about what to make with this set and got inspired by the honey pot to use…

  • Getting back into the stamping groove

    I am again on another (and last for awhile) trip, this time up to visit my parents.  My mom had an event last night and so I came up to help her get ready and be there for the event.   I have to tell you about a cool thing she did with one of the…

  • Exciting upcoming dates – retiring accessories list, decor elements phase 3, and Sale-a-bration!

    So, I’ve been spending too much time in the last couple days cleaning my house and hanging out on Splitcoast Stampers and my SCS blog group’s blogs (they are some super talented ladies – check out links to their blog on the right side of my blog).  All this web surfing and household cleaning has…

  • Simply Sent Card Element Kit Challange

    Between Christmas and New Year’s, I was visiting family out in Oklahoma.  I knew there would be lots of time spent hanging out with family, especially playing with my 6mo old nephew; but I also knew there would be downtime when the guys were playing video games or we were just all sitting around doing…

  • Happy New Year!

    I just wanted to wish you all a Happy 2009!  May it be filled with great acheivements, wonderful memories, and lots of super scrapping fun! – Jennifer

  • New Hostess Set from the Spring/Summer SU! Catalog

    As part of the demo sneak, we are able to see some of the hostess level 2 and level 3 sets.  I’m still deciding which ones to order, but while my mom was visiting, she brought her level 3 set called Dream a Little.  It has a two step stamping flower head, two other long…

  • Decorating a Birthday Gift with Stamps

    I’m always looking for ways to use my stamps in different ways.  Sure I love making cards, but sometimes you need something different and its fun to use your stamping supplies to add that personal touch.  In this case, my sister-in-law’s birthday is 2 days before Christmas.  So, when I bought her a gift at…

  • Don’t forget about 20% off select fall/winter catalog stamp sets

    I’ve been so caught up in the new Love You Much bundle special and the new catalog sneak peeks that I completely forgot that there is still a few days to get 20% off some of the current stamp sets in the Fall/Winter Idea book & Catalog! So, just in case you were like me…

  • A year in reflection scrapbook pages

    Each year, I trade scrapbook pages as Christmas gifts with family members.  The pages highlight what my family did over the last year, so in the end, I have a stack of pages showing me what everyone has been up to while I’ve been living out of state.  It is lots of fun to do,…

  • Trying out a new bag style – paper purse

    So, I’ve seen a lot of folks make different paper purses/gift bags/bag in a box/etc and I’ve dabbled a little in making these projects but only a little.  With my mom here for the holidays, she brought lots of project designs and creative motivation.  So I decided to try something new.  These purses are really…

  • Love You Much sample and Sneak Peek Promotion!

    For some reason I had my dates wrong with the sneak peek promotion and didn’t realize it started today!  Oops!  Well, now I know better and wanted to share with you all the details and a sample I made.  So… want to see some new stuff from the upcoming Spring/Summer idea book?  Of course you…

  • Last day for free shipping and 10% off retiring stamp sets

    Hey there!  I’m back!  Sorry for the long delay in posts.  Between traveling, getting ready for my birthday (and hosting my own birthday party), prepping for my parents to arrive for the holidays, and getting my Christmas cards and gifts out the door; I’ve been a bit busy.  But today I finally finished my last…