If you can believe it, there are only 7 days left to score with Sale-a-Bration! And to help count it down, each day I’ll be featuring one of the remaining exclusive items that you can only get this month as part of the promotion. Today we’ll be starting out with the Perfectly Artistic Designer Paper!
Sale-a-Bration Scoop – All the Deals
But first, just to make sure you have a reminder of all the ways your can save and score… here is the scoop:
- Free stuff when you SHOP – for every $50 you spend, pick one of the items below to get for free! (get going in the Online Store)
See the full Sale-a-Bration Catalog & Bonus Flyer for more project ideas!
- Extra hostess benefits for bigger orders – Put together an online party (I’ll give you a hostess code and you share with your friends and family, they order and their orders count towards your party!) or place a $250 order and you’ll get an EXTRA $25 to spend in free hostess benefits! (Shop online or email me at jennifer@nwstamper.com)
- Even more free stuff and free shipping when you JOIN – get the starter kit for only $99 and you’ll be joining my Fun n’ Crafty Stampers demonstrator group which is awesome all by itself, plus you’ll get an EXTRA $30 in free product of your choice (so $155 in product total) plus free shipping! (Pick your starter kit here)
Ok… got all that? Now on to the fun stuff… PROJECT IDEAS!
Sale-a-Bration Countdown- 7 Days Left! Feat. Perfectly Artistic designer paper
So I’m starting with the Perfectly Artistic designer paper today… since I’ve had some fun projects with this paper pack. It is nice because it is great for backgrounds or just making a fun bunch of cards in different colors. So, here are some ideas for you!
Perfect for your punch art animal ears and feet
(blog post for this project | video tutorial)
Shop online and get your pack of Perfectly Artistic designer paper FREE with a $50 order! Get shopping – www.nwstamper.com/shop
Steal the BIG deal and join our fun group – the Fun n’ Crafty Stampers! Get started here – http://nwstamper.stampinup.net/jointhefun
***Use Hostess Code MZ2REKD7 at check out to get a special thank you from me!***