The first baby card of the season

So, I’m realizing that I’m now of the age that wedding seasons are winding down and its baby time for many of my friends.  Over the last month or two, I’ve learned that at least 5 friends are pregnant with most of their due dates being later this summer and fall.  I’m so excited for all of them and am looking forward to having lots of cute little babies to play with.   Yesterday was the first of a number of baby showers and so I needed a card to go with my gift.  Of course, I waited until the last minute to put it together so I was rushing the morning of our drive to Seattle to put one together.   


baby_congrats_wmIf you can’t guess, we learned that our friends were having a girl so I had to go with the pink theme and this Bella Rose designer paper seemed to fit the bill.  I pulled out my old baby stamp set for the stamp set and went from there.  If I had more time I would have colored in the teddy bear but I think it works as is.  The other fun bit I did was to take a pretty in pink brad and wrap the tines around the knot in my taffeta bow to make the pink center.  It was a little hard to get started but I think it adds a fun bit of color to the ribbon. 


The baby shower ended up being lots of fun.  Since it was a co-ed shower, my hubby came with me and we had a chance to catch up with a number of friends that we haven’t seen in over a year.  Hopefully now that we live closer to Seattle (and I seem to drive up there all the time) we will see them more.  I was wondering what kind of game they might play at a co-ed shower and it turns out they put together a game of Life (like the board game) using pieces of paper taped to the floor.  At one point you have to either go down the kids or no kids path based on if you have kids or not.  I made it through the no kids path first and the last square was labeled “suprise”.  I was told to flip up the paper and read the suprise.  Turns out the suprise is you are accidentally pregnant and get to go back to the start of the kids path.  We all laughed and said of course, its a baby shower so everyone has kids in this game. 🙂  And the honored mom-to-be won the game so it turned out perfect. 


Bundle of Joy, Congrats
Ink:  Close to Cocoa, Pink Pirouette (for sponging the teddy bear edges)
Paper:   Whisper White CS, Basic Black CS, Bella Rose DSP
Accessories: White taffeta ribbon, Soft Subtle Brads, glue dots, mat pack and paper piercer, sponge

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